Honest Expression a cookbook by Sean Western
Honest Expression a cookbook by Sean Western
This is not your mother's cookbook. Well, it could be if you bought it for her. Regardless, this book has recipes ranging from homemade strombolis to decadent rack of lamb w/ mint chimichurri. This book will make you laugh, it will make you cry, and most of all it will make you a better cook and a better lover. This book is filled with good eats, life advice, and random thoughts from yours truly.

My name is Sean Western and I'm a normal everyday person with a passion for cooking. I know I am not a famous British chef with an anger problem or older southern belle with an affinity for butter and racial slurs. That is what makes my book great. It's not pretentious, it is an easy read, and guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

Get in the kitchen, have fun, make mistakes and remember if your meal comes out like shit - uber eats is just a click away.